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Darwin Fruit Farms

Darwin Fruit Farms (DFF) located in Humpty Doo, Northern Territory is 100% owned by Premier Fresh Australia and is the only commercial banana farm in the Northern Territory. DFF grows and packs top quality cavendish bananas that are supplied across the NT.


TR4 Research & Development

Premier are invested in finding a solution for Panama TR4 – a fungus wilt disease affecting Cavendish banana plants by restricting their ability to absorb nutrients.

In 2011, Premier partnered with the Queensland University of Technology on a TR4 resistance research program. Now in its second wave, the research continues to develop techniques that aim to build TR4 resistance in Cavendish banana plants.


Tropical Northern Territory

Darwin provides a warm and coastal climate, making it the perfect place for tropical produce to flourish.

Weather Conditions

Australia's Northern Territory experiences less extreme wet and cyclone seasons than other Queensland locations.

Supply Protection

Less extreme weather conditions allow for supply consistency when other growing regions are impacted.

DFF Products

Spanning a huge 369-hectares, DFF is fruitful year-round, growing the below products.


Cavendish bananas are grown, picked, and ripened in Premier's ripening facility on farm, then distributed to our customers.
